Blue Moon phenomenon or a blue moonTonight there will be a blue moon phenomenon or blue moon, or the Moon, full moon, and that the second special, the 10th month Chinese. If visitors have to wait for another 3 years.The forecast of the blue moon, or the Moon is the second full moon cycle in the same month. Typically Astrology full moon phenomenon happens just once a month only. This is a phenomenon that appears blue moon event occurs, the second full moon in a month calendar. If you miss today's audience will have to wait another 3 years to 2015 or July 31 ahead. For those who notice, you will see the Moon full moon tonight. South-East, by the time the Sun rose 18.18 am completely full moon. Time of 20.57 pm and South West In early September 1, time by time, country Thailand 5.37 am. This is the full moon is bright like the Moon, as always without any red, blue, and you can also notice the next Blue Moon events appear in date 2 July 2558 (2015)
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