The ritual of immunotherapy have various stages, the central will see to rice seedlings to plough what it must invite immunotherapy before. Since the rice conceived to crawl out. Food palatable to worship the goddess of rice.All of this will have a ritual to assemble for fertility. Or the confidence that this year is the rice, and next year must have some. Rice with or to be stored and how?Keep well. Don't lose is not lost, to use as the seed next year. The characteristics of the ritual of rice. Most of it is related to try to placate the gift of rice with immunotherapy represent
.The ceremony on rice. But in a society that is home to a city, society, and that in other societies that have not developed into a home, a town farming. Farmers have same ritual, in order to take care of things themselves.Upland rice, he will have one day to burn the farm, when not burn when rice was pregnant, must know what he considered the rice was pregnant. Or the rice
.He said no to the court at that time because rice is courting each other. หรือเวลา rice pregnant to find money to bind. To tie a short, because rice mother him short, would have saved. If.Tie a money might not inspire fertile rice. Therefore, in the group of all groups. Or even the kin have beliefs about planting rice, too. Before the rice cultivation was created to invite the ghost ghost dogs.Time will plow will not harass ghosts are spirits of time drops, rice must be collected donations to buy pig kill pig offerings ghost to appease the ghost again, because if a ghost is not satisfied. Rice, then there will be a disadvantage.
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