By studying the frying and baking, the appropriate frame of banana topping grains. It was found that temperature 160 degrees for frying for 5 minutes to get the bananas, the frame is frame, and there are yellow. The baking section, the temperature of 120 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes as the temperature and the time frame, dry and crunchy topping and banana topping frame pivot ball khonflek and almond fried duration 5 min with the highest preference score. Step 2-study the packaging of banana topping frame template grains by use of plastic laminate packaging. Which prevent the ingress of moisture. Of air and light. In the preservation of the product. Step 3: study the shelf life of bananas, cereal topping in the frame laminate product found to contain moisture and hardness (Hardness) increases with age for microbial quality found that banana framework. There is popcorn topping flek retention age 4 weeks damage from moisture, which exceeds community standards have been defined, is not more than 6 percent of banana topping frame pivot ball. Have the retention age is 6 weeks because the sensory preference points: inside the frame is low. Not be accepted by consumers and a banana almond topping frame has a retention age is 7 years old, found the number of fungal community product standards is must less than 10 colonies per gram (maphot. 111/2546 (2003)) Peroxide value, part peroxide to not enough peroxide measurements.
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