My grandma has two guide dogs people have brought it to my babysitter 1 & 1 you own pet. Two dogs are named shakes and smoothies, House braised pork because my dog is the first that I've not yet raising knowledge on raising the age when making smoothies. 3 month shakes it and die, and in 2016, braised pork, it died because of cancer. After death the smoothies I'm her mother dogs so cute to me I love it lots of it named taro, I bring it with me in a room to sleep every day but one day is Friday I wake up call. So I think talking to wake up, and then will cross the street to find me at the airport and opposite the House, but taro taro Comanche makes a car accident death. Family, I gutted my family dog go for a while, but in the year 2012, the dogs came to be known. I think because it's all black try samples, and it remained with me until today.
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