But if I chose, I chose chopnueng to adidas as a doctor because I am like that will help other people, I saw someone else hard time I would like to help him very much and we help those who are in merit and in social conditions in the current technology and industrial plant into involved, people who abuse these things to occur, symptoms, stress, or pollution in the air is about health issues, I think that today we need a medical personnel came to take care of these people and the medical profession is a profession that has a gear is your page count.In our society, because there must be a high officer in the responsibility, but I think that actually there is value in every profession, plain, and all the gear that the career of Martin. Is that the Act itself that will be able to make the profession we are located, there is a dimension and another gear that I want to be a doctor because I am learning about the College of science and mathematics education, I am about to make, usually a medical department where I study because it is the path that goes to the doctor and I also know that those who want to be doctors in some ษอังกฤษ language, I want to be a better doctor because I like English very much.
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