About 1 300, years ago. Before the mon will bring prosperity to Ping basin ancestors
of Lawa has set up a settlement, Lawa or the northern called. "Lua", the group of people ออสโตรนีเซียน
.And calling it "one เวียะ." the real origins are still unclear. But it is believed that migrated from the south of Thailand, Malayan, or Khmer, when about 2000 years ago, some people believe that the Lua, a seed with WA in northern Myanmar and south of Yunnan Province in China. Because of the similarities in the language. Appearance and dress,
.The Lua in settled in Chiang Mai City. When about 900 years ago. The mon of Lopburi, who is the creator of Lamphun and Lampang. Have invaded the Lua to run on the mountain becomes the tribe, later in the century A.D., 18And hit the crumbling to give and to partner with the Lua
.The Lua also believe that his ancestors had this line in Chiang Mai. As the creator and country, before going into this region in Lua. King of their own, and the last is the death penalty will also GGA which was Santa Catarina.(quote) rout on the forest he
a Lua some living ground. But this culture tradition, many of the people that lost its own identity ไปเกือบ already.
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