The environment is everything around alive and no life. Both naturally occurring and what humans created. Contains what is concrete and abstract.1. Natural environment
.The natural environment is what happens naturally, such as soil, water, air, forests, wildlife etc. environment this happens naturally may take how quickly or slowly depending on the type and the type
.The natural environment can be divided into 2 types
.1) creatures, is what comes naturally. The unique features of organisms such as plants, animals, and humans may be called environmental, biological,
.2) still life. A naturally occurring without life. May be visible or not, such as soil, water, gas, air, smoke, minerals, cloud flash. Sound, etc. we also called the physical environment as well
2.The environment of man-made
. The environment created by humans. What is human knowledge has been taught, inherit and develop the entire time. Which, has divided the type is 2
.1) environmental objects or environment can be seen, such as houses, airplanes, television, etc. These are created to facilitate Or meet the requirements in daily life, some may need.2) social, environmental or abstract Is the creation of human to the rules for live happily. Social environment including regime, religion, education, occupation, faith.The law, customs, regulations, etc., are expressed in the form of an invisible environment behavior environment and human
.Human beings have the relationship with the environment tightly in the problem of the balance of ธรรมชาติตาม ecosystem has not occurred much. The people in the early seventies, live under the influence of nature.Thus in the senses that nature can adjust their own balance.
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