Homogeneous mixture, and similar to me
เนื้อสาร refers to what is the treasure of every part can be macroscopic
.Classification of substances using เนื้อสาร criteria. Conventional methods. Because it can show the details about the substance rather than the other way around. By this criterion will แนกออกเป็น large groups. 2 groups
1.Homogeneous substance refers to one kind or several kinds of elements are mixed together in harmony. See homogeneous throughout. There may be many state display properties identical type is divided into 2
1.1.Pure is a homogeneous mixture of elements, only one type of treasure, too, including elements and compounds, physical and chemical properties treasure constant
.(1 element means pure meat only consists of one kind of atom. Cannot split or break into other substances, such as gold, silver, iron, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc., the element can be divided 3 groups, metallic elements Nonmetal.(2) compound means pure homogeneous resulting from the combination of elements from the 2 type up to. A treasure unique and different from the elements. The ratio of the combination of elements is constant always
1.2.The solution means homogeneous mixture resulting from substance since 2 type up to mixed together by the ratio of mixed model is not constant and substance from occurring. Mix this will show properties different from the original substance, such as a silver coin, syrup, saline solution.2.Heterogeneous substance means of macroscopic not homogeneous throughout all parts of ี่เกิดจาก substance since 2 species together. The ratio is uncertain. May be the same or different substances that are in a state status together.Such as pepper and salt water with powder dust in the air, concrete sludge in water, coconut milk, etc., is divided into 2 type is
.2.1 suspension is a liquid with a small solid particles of the insert. Have a diameter greater than the 10-4 cm. Which is similar to me with large particle size It can look clearly ingredients, easy to separate.Water, flour, mud, etc.!2.2. Colloid is similar to me with the harmony. A particle size smaller than the suspension but larger than the solution. There are about 10-7 - 10-4 cm diameter, such as liquid soap foam milk, etc.
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