Agriculture (English: Agriculture) is the cultivation of plants, fungi and animals other forms of life for food. Fiber. Bio-fuel. Other medicines and products for sustainability and enhanced human life, agriculture is important in the development of human civilization that prosperity does not move the address where the cultivation or animal husbandry in species that is tame have produced surplus food, which helps feeding the casting.The development of civilization, Yong The study is called the agricultural history of agriculture agriculture dating back to several thousand years, and it's phot is driven by significantly different climate. Culture and technology. However, agriculture in General, all rely on techniques for expanding and landed at the appropriate maintenance party in a species that has been tamed. For the plant. This technique usually rely on some form of irrigation, although there are several methods of agriculture in arid areas, livestock rearing in pasture systems are combined with a system that does not own land. In the industry, covering nearly one-third of the area that is free of ice, and paraben-free water of the world. In the developed world, then agriculture industrial monoculture crops, large modern agricultural system became dominant. Although there is strong support for a more sustainable agriculture, including organic agriculture, and agriculture.Until the industrial revolution. The majority of the human population work in the agricultural sector. Agricultural industry is generally first-agriculture/subsistence to self-sufficiency in which the majority of farmers growing crops for consumption instead of ' own ' cash crops for trade. Featured modifications in agricultural practices have occurred during the past century in response to new technologies and the development of the world market. It has also led to improvements in agricultural techniques, such as how technology of Haber-Bosch '. ' For synthetic ammonia manai rotsueng Te makes the traditional practice of recycling nutrients with crop rotations and animal manure are less important.Agricultural economics, agricultural chemical plant improvements, such as pesticides and fertilizers, and technological improvements have added a modern fast yields from cultivation, but at the same time causing ecological damage and health effects.Negative human Selection breeding and modern practices in animal husbandry has increased Similarly the export of meat, but have added to concerns about the welfare of animals and the health effects of antibiotics, growth hormones and other chemical growth used suite.Designated in the meat production industry Genetically modified organisms are the elements that the rise of agriculture, although it is banned in many countries. Agriculture, food production and water management will have become a global issue, which supported increased debate on a number of fronts to significant degradation of soil and water resources, including the disappearance of the stone floor, mop up water has been observed in the past decade and the impact of global warming, with the effect of agriculture and agriculture global warming is still not fully understood.Major agricultural products can be divided into broad groups, namely, food. Fiber. The fuel and raw materials. Specific foods include cereals (grain). Vegetables, fruits, cooking oil Meat and spices, fibre, cotton, wool, hemp menstrual period including silk, linen and raw materials include wood and bamboo. Other useful materials are produced from plants such as resin. Natural color, perfume, pharmaceuticals Biofuels and products used, such as ornamental plants, cut flowers and nursery. Than one-third of the world's workers are employed in the agricultural sector is second only to the services sector, even though the percentage of agricultural workers in developed countries have fallen significantly in the last several centuries ago.
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