Asthma is characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing shortness breath, of, tightness chest, coughing.Sputum and may. Be produced from the lung by coughing but is often hard to bring up.During recovery from, an attack it may appear pus-like. Due to high levels of white blood cells called eosinophils.Symptoms are usually worse at night and in the early morning or in response to exercise or cold air.Some people with asthma. Rarely, experience symptoms usually in response to triggers whereas others, may have marked and persistent symptoms.
The. Symptoms of asthma are gasp for breath breath. Tight, chest breathing cough with or, wit sound Huet.Symptoms often occur as a symptom may occur when phak by exercise or hard work or, a sofa it 's late at night is, torture. If the symptoms are very much affects the quality of life of the patient.
When is suspect, to asthma it 's important to. See a doctor to get a diagnosis find the, cause. Assess the severity of the disease and receive ongoing treatment.If a patient goes to the doctor when having asthma. Your doctor can make the diagnosis by sound of breathing from the, lungs. But if there are no symptoms may be time to require an additional authentication.
Asthma is causing a deterioration of. The quality of life. The symptoms of the disease will interfere with sleep. Make a contribution of thaphap regression work.Tight chest symptoms may make the patient was shocked by understand that heart disease in children. Found 12 percent of. Children in wairian asthma causes frequent absenteeism. Reduce your ability to play sports or exercise. If you do not get. Proper treatment may be less-than-normal growth and developmental learning problems may occur. If severe can cause death. From lack, of oxygen the brain.
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