Noun (na cycle), a noun is a word that is used instead. What animal's people, places, feelings, etc., such as teacher man (person), a cat, a dog (animal), a car, pen, (what's) hospital, station (location), happiness, sorrow (feeling). Pronoun (the Barnabas loop) pronoun is a word that replaces a noun such as I, me, you, he, she, him, her, it, us, we, they, them, etc.Verb (woep) verbs are words that show action or State, such as go, walk, swim, run, am, are, is, has, have, etc.Adverb (@ woep), the adverb is a word that uses extended verbs do when, for example, yesterday, tomorrow, how fast, slowly, etc. Adjective (@ chek active), an adjective is a word that is used to tell whether a noun laksa looks or how such a tall, short, fat, thin, white, black, far, near, etc.Conjunction (con expectations slope), a conjunction is a word that is used to link a phrase or sentence together, such as and, but, or, for, so, etc.Preposition (ร็บ PA page XI Chan), a buropbot is a word that is used to display the relationship of the words or phrases in a sentence such as in, on, at, to, by, from, etc.
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