The theory to prevent soil erosion and degraded by the vetiver plant from initiative alive and walls in natural earth fight night His Majesty, he is aware of the problem, condition wash down, collapse of the soil and the loss of fertile soil page therefore study potential.Of the plant, which is "vetiver" of Thai folk that have special features that help prevent the collapse of the front wash down soil moisture conservation and underground which are simple farmers, planting method can be executed manually. Without the need to provide care after planting very well save chaikwa other ways as well. It has a mixture of educational process is thanop experiment about vetiver. Vetiver's style. To take advantage of the vetiver and water-soil conservation.1. planting in rows according to the level and slope to slow down the speed of the water, soil and sediment traps. Best water will ooze into the clay ground floor suites have more increases moisture within the soil. Best vetiver roots is to probe deeper into the soil may be up to 3 meters, which can hold soil to prevent collapse and break down. 2. Planting to resolve crash to collapse of Earth's deep Groove 3. Planting in areas with slope by แพาะ North and South, vetiver planting guide fence on the edge of RIM country middle ground, he stepped outside. By planting in rows across a cant be used in rainy season 4. Planted to conserve moisture in the soil by planting vetiver row parallel to the rows of wood-effect. Build a circular wooden ROM and planted a half circle facing getting rain water 5. Planting to prevent damage to floors, stairs, ground or water around the country, his party received 6. Wake to prevent silt soil deposit to fight water transfer Canal reservoir drainage in farm and planted around the pool, or planted in rows parallel to the river. Canals to filter sediment soil 7. Planting in order to recover degraded land, Fu 8. Planting to prevent collapse and break down of the high steep road shoulders by vetiver planting based on soil and water deviation laiboriwen angular shoulders, planting ideas and cant. To prevent a collapse in ruins and flows of Earth 9. Planting in dindan Vetiver roots can be widespread in different soil dindan ruan and soil moisture will face increased 10. Planting to prevent contamination of water sources toxic substances Vetiver roots will hold the soil barrier wall and toxic contamination with water not flowing water below the root, and the fight is still effective in the lining that heavy metals and some chemical plants better than other types.
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