Herbaceous rhizome bud is short, plump, cylindrical or oval root quite long, tapered tip 1-2 cm long, 4-10 cm wide.Into clusters, brown, light texture in yellow with unique odor, and above the soil, leaf 2-7 single leaves alternate, oval. 5-12 cm long, 12-50 cm widePointed tip, dairy or sharp edges smooth, midrib stem and leaf on top of a groove bottom convex. Petiole is long, smooth 7-25 cm. Leaf pink 7-25 cm long.Between the leaves and leaf with tongue leaf flower bouquet and reduce out top between leaf pairs in the end. เป็นไม้ล้มลุก with short rhizome bud. Roots plump A cylinder or egg shape quite long, tapered tip has a length of about. 4-10 cm.1-2 cm into clumps. Skin is light brown colour. The flesh is yellow and smell, unique.
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