The Pearl of the Andaman, South City Paradise City brings you classic  การแปล - The Pearl of the Andaman, South City Paradise City brings you classic  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

The Pearl of the Andaman, South Cit

The Pearl of the Andaman, South City Paradise City brings you classic bedroom snorkeling Beach. Travel views He leaned with his nails and package 3 days 2 nights in a great-value prices start from THB 11500 travel today, Mar. 31-2559 departs every day. Book today at the Thailand travel Center
Packages include

Economy class airfare by airline flight Thailand (TG)
Hotel accommodation for 2 persons per room. The list can be selected with breakfast.
Meals as specified in the list.
Shuttle transfer between airport-hotel accommodation
Airport taxes, fuel surcharge and insurance carriers
Accident insurance during travel.

Tour packages are not included.

Value of passport and visa fees.
Itinerar meals and personal expenses other than those specified in the list.
7% VAT and service charge and 3% withholding.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The Pearl of the Andaman, South City Paradise City brings you classic bedroom snorkeling Beach. Travel views He leaned with his nails and package 3 days 2 nights in a great-value prices start from THB 11500 travel today, Mar. 31-2559 departs every day. Book today at the Thailand travel Center Packages includeEconomy class airfare by airline flight Thailand (TG) Hotel accommodation for 2 persons per room. The list can be selected with breakfast.Meals as specified in the list.Shuttle transfer between airport-hotel accommodationAirport taxes, fuel surcharge and insurance carriers Accident insurance during travel. Tour packages are not included.Value of passport and visa fees.Itinerar meals and personal expenses other than those specified in the list.7% VAT and service charge and 3% withholding.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The Pearl of the Andaman, South City Paradise City brings you classic bedroom snorkeling Beach. Travel views He leaned with his nails and package 3 days 2 nights in a great-value prices start from THB 11500 travel today, Mar. 31-2559 departs every day. Book today at the Thailand Center travel
Packages include Economy Class tickets by airline Flight Thailand (TG) Hotel Accommodation for 2 persons per Room. The list Can be selected with breakfast. Meals as Specified in the list. Shuttle Transfer between Airport-Hotel Accommodation Airport taxes, fuel surcharge and Insurance Carriers Accident Insurance during travel. Tour Packages are not included. Value of Passport and visa fees. Itinerar Meals. Personal Expenses and Other Specified than those in the list. 7% VAT and Service Charge and 3% withholding.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The Pearl of the Andaman South City, Paradise City brings you classic bedroom snorkeling Beach. Travel views He leaned. With his nails and package 3 days 2 nights in a great-value prices start from THB 11500, travel today Mar. 31-2559 departs. Every day. Book today at the Thailand travel Center.Packages include.Economy class airfare by airline flight Thailand (TG).Hotel accommodation for 2 persons per room. The list can be selected with breakfast.Meals as specified in the list.Shuttle transfer between airport-hotel accommodation.Airport taxes fuel surcharge, and insurance carriers.Accident insurance during travel.Tour packages are not included.Value of passport and visa fees.Itinerar meals and personal expenses other than those specified in the list.7% VAT and service charge and 3% withholding.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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