Thank you for being a friend of you.Last night I almost wept like a nice lack of heart.And I slept I came across tuenWhat I want to. This is not the answer.Not, you are missing from your life. I do not have a durable.But if it means friends forever. I would be more than happy.Comes in. The more we see of your friend, PhichitI feel worse again, because if she is your girlfriend, you and I will talk to you, because you are not answering anything here, or we will not be able to be friends as friends. I am waiting for your answer. I don't dare to greet. Don't dare look into the work room, the teacher is very soft, even today, through several periods during the day. I do not dare and dare to greet all my mms again today with frustration stress and urgent task. My headacheI sent out the evening to greet the incoming I feel more refreshed, it just lifted from the brain from the body. Thank you for the friendship. Your friend always. A plain but is waiting for my answer. But friends are forever, and I mean she is a friend forever. I am glad because I know, and then some just we are forever. We will be happy forever. If we wanted to. But we can't have a life must be reflected from the hanger and forever. How do I choose a friendship where you can have forever, I will be more than happy and fresh, thanks so much! I will heal, as well. and will make a cute habit for your friend forever. Do not attempt to remove the habits of women, friendships that you give must end because of me again. There is only you that is what I want the most. I will be your friend forever.
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