Tennis rules rules of tennis
.The competition is divided into sets, each set is divided into games, each game, starting with the rate 0 per 0 การนับคะแนน starting from 0-15 or 15-0 by scores of the legs, you first. Along with the 30 40 and if it's a tie 40-40 called "deuce" (deuce).And who will be the winner in the game 6 set if a tie 6-6 game to compete on the tiebreak (tie-break) count points, 1,, 2 3... Anyone 7 points first wins in the set that
if competition in ทัวนา square meshes is generally played to determine the winner of the 3 set, who has 2 set first wins. But if a grand slam is a match to determine the winner of the 5 set
.Anyone 7 points first wins in the set. The points rate 6-6 or 7-7 winner must have a score away from competitors 2 points it is considered to finish the race. Tie Break case points such as rate 7-7 winner to score away from competitors 2 points.9-7 will win!
in double if the pair set, to decide on who to Super Tiebreak 10 points before a win.
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