In, the study five healthy people spent a night in, a laboratory where researchers monitored their levels, of melatonin. A hormone that increases at night and is an indicator of the body 's, internal clock also known as circadian rhythm.
Three. Hours, before bedtime participants took either a pill that contained about as much caffeine as two shots, of espresso or. A placebo.(The experiment was repeated on another night so that participants who received the caffeine instead received the placebo. The, next time and vice versa.)
The caffeine pill delayed the body 's release of melatonin by about 40 minutes the researchers,, Found. In other words caffeine affected, the body 's, internal clock so that the start of "biological night" was, pushed laterThe researchers wrote in their findings.
Researchers have long known that caffeine causes the release of chemicals in. The brain that promote wakefulness, and arousal Wright said. But the new findings show that caffeine also affects the body. In, another way by influencing circadian rhythms. [Turn Off to Tuck In: 5 Sleep Tips for Gadget Junkies]
."We think this is another reason why we may have some sleep disruption" when we have caffeine before bedtime Wright told,, Live Science.
A 40-minute delay in the release of melatonin could have a relatively large effect on, a person Wright said.? For, comparisonWhen people are exposed to bright light before bedtime - which is known to have a strong influence on the circadian clock. Their release - of melatonin is delayed by about 85 minutes.
Previous studies have suggested that people who consider themselves. "Night owls" tend to consume more caffeine than those who are early risers.The new findings suggest that consuming caffeine in the evening may play a role in why some people are, night owls Wright. Said.
If a night owl wants to start getting up earlier, "removing caffeine in the evening and afternoon may be one way." To, help Wright said.
, In additionA dose of caffeine that 's properly timed may be able to help people better adjust to jet lag when they travel from East. To West (and thus need to push back their internal clock), Wright said. However more studies, are needed to examine this. Idea because caffeine, might also make jet, lag worse Wright said.
The study is published today (Sept. 16) in the journal. Science Translational Medicine.
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