This article describes the aspect of geoenvironment and portable groundwater zone of a watershed located in coastal. Tract around Tuticorin Corporation Tamil Nadu,,, remote India using sensing and GIS. Initially based on satellite imagery,,, Topographical geomorphological and, hydrogeological features an area, of about 206 sq.km was demarcated as a promising
.Zone for groundwater exploration in the study area. The problem of the study is a representative case of overexploitation. Of groundwater resources leading to, the continuous exhaustion of the grained as well as the groundwater aquifer. In such. ,,, situations topographic landuse geology hydrogeological and geomorphological features provide useful clues for the
selection. Of suitable areas.Identifying a good site for groundwater exploration in coastal terrain is a challenging task. From the fluctuation map. It is found that maximum recharge in deeper water level is found in the central and southern part of the present study, area. Eastern and Northern part of the study area shows minimum rise of water level of less than 4 m. The
.Water level fluctuation of the study area compounds is considered for components of recharge. In general the coastal, terrain. Formations do not have good groundwater potential. Still integrated studies, help to ascertain the presence of hidden water. Bearing formations.
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