1. water bodies exceed Increased extracellular volume (hypervolemia). This condition is found in relatively small, e.g.• Get the salt water is not suitable to perform the resurrection by hypertonic resuscitation, sodium solution (7.5%, NaHCO3) • Drowning sea.• All edible salt.• Hyperaldosteronism causes hypernatremia, but not serious2. dehydration Low extracellular volume (hypovolemia). Dehydration causes that there are two reasons include:2.1 water loss from GI tract renal loss extra include:• 2.1.1 Insensible loss too much loss, including loss of sweat from exercise or fever if the body loses a lot of sweat and get water to compensate for insufficient urine osmolarity values hypernatremia usually will occur with a higher value.• 2.1.2 gastrointestinal loss include vomiting, diarrhea, and then get the water not enough compensation, hypernatremia can occur as well.• 2.1.3 receives insufficient water. The body is insensible water loss, which is not enough to have a value of approximately 500 ml per day, such as in patients age, small children are unconscious, causes hypernatremia. 2.2 renal losses• 2.2.1 the urine with increased due to a substance such as sugar concentration in the urine. Glucose, urea, manitol, besides urine increases still have to remove drive Na, K and Cl in the urine comes out with even more, but will lose the water than salt water, if your body is not enough to compensate for the caused hypernatremia.• 2.2.2 as diabetes inspidus Diabetic freshwater caused by reduced secretion hormone or diuretic ant may result from renal response or non-response decrease in ADH is called nephrogenic DI is the result, making the kidney reabsorption of water, urine, lower back than normal urine dilution water (because the thirst center is also great). If the patient is receiving an adequate amount of water will cost plasma Na if the patient receives insufficient water is born, hypernatremia.
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