Lease of property and equipment furnished suiteLumpini Ville cultural centreDo that Date (s) This contract made between. The home village of the subdistrict, district/County. County phone contract hereinafter referred to as "the rent" party. With The House No. subdistrict, district/County In this contract, the next phone called the "tenant" at the other end. Both sides agreed to continue the contract. It contains the following message:This contract is part of the suite leases in the building series. Suite leases at issue to date. 1. "the rent" and "rental agreement" the tenants agreed to rent furniture, machinery, electrical equipment, which is located inside the suite number approx. sq. m. In the House, according to a list of property and final assembly decoration contract hereinafter in this contract, called a "rental property" to "tenants" used "asset" in the series mentioned above only. 2. "the rent" OK "and" OK "rental tenants lease properties" in the rate () as "tenants" to bring the rent monthly in advance payment by payment within 1 day of each month, with rooms to rent around series "the rent" will inform you is a book based on the amount and the time specified above. If a tenant to pay for hire "late" than "tenant" would be subject to fines for delays to "the rent" at a rate of 1.25 percent. Baht per month. 3. on the day the lease "tenants" have put the cash to insurance () that "tenants" to obey the terms of this contract and the insured of any damage that is caused to "the rent" payments, the amount of insurance is considered paid in advance, but it counts.Jade "tenants" to pay insurance claims this is the excuse to default on rents in this contract does not. "Tenants" allowing "the rent" by the amount of insurance money as if "tenants" was one of the contracts. The spoils of this insurance does not cut the rights of "the rent" to sue or claim from "tenants" for outstanding rent and or other damage will have another part with this amount of insurance money, "the rent" will return as "tenants" without interest within 60 days after this contract, hold down the "not guilty" tenants, contracts, and after any amortisation "tenants" owes to "a rental". 4. lease is month-day-year rental period begins on the day of the end of the day. 5. "the tenant" must not be taken and must not allow any other person to commit to "asset" from suite property is located by the marketed unless it is authorized by "the lease" only. 6. "the tenant" and promised to not alter or augment any cause "damage to property" rented out to alter or enhance any of the "tenants" have made it into the "asset", "the lease" shall be entitled to, "tenants" fix, repair, restoration, "tenants" who is responsible for the expenses and damages that occurred in the end by the "tenants" allow "people to" rent "" lease property monitoring. According to the time necessary to cure or prevent "asset" is damaged or defective disrepair. By "tenants" will need to maintain an "asset", are in good condition at all times, as is his or her own property.Verse 7. "asset" based on this contract, "tenants" to rent or lease rights transfer range is not all that.Or some others did. 8. agreement to lease maturity and that it has not been renewed or terminated the lease, regardless of any reason, "the tenant" must deliver "asset" as "the rent" in a neat condition immediately. If the "tenants" delayed return "asset", regardless of any reasons why "tenants" lets "the rent" in 2 x rate of daily rental. In addition, "the rent" has the right to occupy the rented property is "delay" and "whole" tenants will be lifted into or prosecution, "the rent" as "any act" violates the Charter providers, whether civil or criminal, is disallowed. This does not disqualify "the rent" to claim the "tenants" on the higher amount. If it turns out that "asset" has damaged or lost with stripes bubot respect any "tenants" was liable to pay damages, there are probably other another part. 9. "the tenant" if wishing to make property insurance within the rent shall be notified as a book, "the rent" has considered and consented in writing before you act. Verse 11. sending documents letter, if "the rent" is sent to "tenants" at this contract hire is considered to have been received by love. This contract is made up of two. A message must be matched exactly. The parties have read and understood at all and then have signed, as evidence of the presence of a witness behind thaini. By a party the parties one just offshore. Signing a lease ( ) Signed tenants ( ) The name of the witness ( ) The name of the witness ( )
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