Vitamin c (@ sota-acid.)Solubility in water. And as antioxidants with high efficiency.Pure vitamin c is the image converted from sugar dekthorot from corn (although there is no corn or dekthorot remains at all.)The difference between vitamin c from the ' natural ' or ' organic ' (organic) and acid at crisis core business kasangkhro in General, is the difficulty in digestion and absorption which varies according to each person's abilities.Supplementary vitamin c products, the best food is a vitamin c containing bio-fla Wole noi. S peripherals and Reuben Martin (sometimes see these names on the label whether the salt and citrus)Vitamin c from rose is rose, or sahi result bio and other noi Wole fla enzymes help break your vitamin c as well as a source of vitamin c as the best natural (vitamin c is built on the southern part of which is called hip)The Siro la CEE (Acerola C) is vitamin c the results extracted from the sea-La Rosa Berry.Play an important role in the creation of collagen, which is critical to the process of creating and repairing various tissue cells, gums, teeth, bones and blood vessels walls.Because vitamin c is expelled out of the body within 2-3 hours after meals, depending on the quantity of food in the stomach and to maintain the level of vitamin c in the blood, high is something that is important to health. Recommend to eat with breakfast and dinner.To relieve a cold, eat vitamin c 1000 mg two times per day, found that reduces histamine levels in the blood down to 40 per cent (histamine is a substance that causes food snot tears flowing)If you take vitamin c in excess of 750 mg. Per day. I suggest to take magnesium supplements. Prevent the occurrence of kidney stones in the kidney works.If you eat too much may cause kidney stones from the acid out of hotel anhydrous and acid (magnesium intake yurik. Vitamin b-6, and drink plenty of water helps protect.) Sometimes the meal is very high (over 10 grams per day) may cause unwanted effects, such as frequent urination, diarrhea and rash on the skin. If you have these symptoms should reduce that to eat.Carbon dioxide (CO2) destroy vitamin c so People who live in the city, which has a dense gas of this type should eat more vitamin c.
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