If talking about an atmosphere of comfort and is probably where it is not beside the sea.
is not full of white sand sun. Light down and started, to become very dark the color, orange with ground water. It is time that the water signs are posted. Near all the time. We tried to swim back to the shore slowly as if to delay this for a happy side to, have symptomsTired and wanted to sit on the sand I looked Orange evening light the Sun, is about to fall into the sea the Sun the,,, Red or Orange are missing with the sunken sea and phro.With the, evening wind atmosphere and sea green sky that everyone. Go out and watch the waters to see, the beauty of nature that anybody would like to experience the natural beauty of it. Is that someone cannot deny foreign.Pure sea air crystal clear, water. The wave is not a pretty strong view. Sun splash songkrathop surface is Diamond-like. Spark! Was the night they go out for a walk to the beach but it, was a rather, cold atmosphere not only that there are stars. Seen by sky it was a, romantic atmosphere stars very Yae Moonlight on sea water enough to, watch the night sky until he. Was satisfied.
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