1. they do not ' read ' textbook. Don't just read the textbook that is what these kids learn they can't do, but we are told to read the entire textbook is made more efficient. Most of the superior head of the children's milk they are not reading the textbook, but begin method is used instead. "Solving math word problems and practice" to find more knowledge from Google, reading from a notebook, and the shock of finding an older working. These things would make the maximum benefit in a short time than to sit and read a book much more than growth funds. 2. understand the topics studied and described by the words of our own. The most important thing to learn is to "understand the lesson" that after you finish a teacher or lecturer. Try a short note short lessons with our own speech comprehension of the lesson, and that analyzed to what is written in the books, and that teachers have been taught what is "major". Brief description with our own words written down in a book as a summary and chapter XI before the anchovies can also be executed. In this study, only it's not difficult for you anymore. 3. children learn good ... not afraid to question!!! William Arthur Ward's so that "Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. the thirst of knowledge is filling a candle of learning" for children to learn good learn good. Notice that "they will not be afraid to ask." When doubts or do not understand exactly where to write questions to the teacher or friends who understand. explaining, you shall do not be afraid to ask questions, "ngo" and don't use either do not understand, because to memorize lessons, it is not an error and is considered to be enormous. 4. they ... like a question? If the teacher says "Thomas Jefferson the smartest man and the poorest who participated in drafting the contract, has a reputation for independence in 1776." General students may listen to write down in a notebook with all the teachers say and try to remember all these things, but if it is a, children learn the expert, they will try to set a question, such as: Thomas Jefferson is? What has changed? And why he is important? After that, they begin to find answers from google, or in Wikipedia to find out about the history of Thomas Jefferson, old pictures and important about the independence that this ancestor is a joint created. These learning processes will help to remember the event more important until it has rooted deep in the brain. This is the power of question 7. 5. to understand the structure, don't try to memorize. Important for children to learn good tips is that they are trying to understand the different structure of the lesson, and that content rather than to memorize because they tried to remember things affect what is not necessary. When we understand the different structures, then we will have to manually from memory alone. When it encounters a problem or that it came from the pond that can be flipped, it might not. Because I do not know where to go and how to deploy. 6. they test themselves frequently. Test yourself often makes your brain can connect with the new content. This method will make you aware of it myself, and it is clear that we have the knowledge and understanding of the content. The lesson of new knowledge? Overseas research that has been made in this way will help to remember lessons better. The method is completed after the students have to do a 5 minute test, 2 days and 2 weeks later to help students remember more than maen alone or do a simulation test, virtual. There is a timer, and the number of tests is to practice. 7. do something apart from listening to lectures. Many times listening to lectures is boring for you. Professors may speak too fast, until you take a feature very slowly until I want to sleep. For children, learning how to deal with the one they have these boring things. -I will not go though it is tedious. Because the best time is the time in the classroom. " -Read the lesson in advance, listen to lectures. -Questions from reading ahead to find out the answer from listening to lectures. -Focus to the problems that arise, and to write down in a notebook. Trying to imprint on what professors and topics to be used in the exam. These things will make listening to lectures. To read the review at a later date in a short period of time.When a cookieOnline study tools on a regular basis. Don't believe everything just because they don't adhere to the teacher on the Blackboard, or just reading in the textbook. There are also a wealth of knowledge that we can find the fingertips. Most children learn more from their desert world surfing online, ' Google ' Characteristics of the person seeking knowledge. The habit of making "New concept for a quick go to Google = explanation." Questions as well as find answers from Google, youtube or Wikipedia, these online tools to help your learning easier. 9. in short, better study the marathon การศึกษาในระยะเวลาสั้นๆ มีแนวโน้มที่จะทำให้ตั้งใจเรียนอย่างมุ่งมั่น เพราะอย่างน้อยเราก็จะรู้ว่าอีกสักครู่ก็จะได้พักจากการเรียนแล้ว แน่นอนว่าต้องดีกว่าการเรียนแบบมาราธอนเป็นเวลาหลายชั่วโมงแน่นอน เพราะจะทำให้สภาพจิตใจเราเกิดความเบื่อหน่าย เนื่องจากระยะเวลาที่นานเกินไป เริ่มเรียนจากระยะเวลาสั้นๆ ประมาณ 30 นาที ในการอ่านหนังสือ หรือทบทวนบทเรียน ถ้านั่งเรียนในระยะเวลาที่ยาวนานเกินไปควรหาเวลาพักบ้าง 10. ศึกษาข้อสอบที่ทำผิดทันที ภายหลังการสอบ อาจารย์มักจะบอกข้อผิดพลาดให้กับนักเรียนทราบ นักเรียนที่เรียนดีส่วนใหญ่มักจะเก็บข้อผิดพลาดของพวกจดลงในสมุดโน้ต พร้อมทั้งพยายามแก้ไขและทำความเข้าใจให้มากขึ้น ไม่เข้าใจจุดไหนก็สามารถถามอาจารย์ได้ทันที จนกว่าพวกเขาจะเข้าใจ และเมื่อเข้าใจแล้ว ก็จะจำข
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