Kazu Mar Su (Casu Marzu) is a sheep's milk cheese internal porosity. The rich "maggot" even at present, the EU will assign cheese "kazu. The soo "food is illegal and wrong nutrition is hard. But fan of this type of cheese
if to "kazu Mar Su" means "rotten cheese" or the Sardinian called "cheese". Due to sleep within the cheese has worms, white. A length of about 8.Flex ceaselessly inside a lot of these worms is a part that accelerate the กระบวนการหมัก, effective and lipid droplet
.Said that this type of cheese is soft. Because the liquid infiltration in meat cheese. But to eat it while still alive. If waiting for the worms worms die first. Cheese is considered a food poison immediately
.And if it is even not enough. Say... If someone put your hands on it or have had worms in cheese. They jumped immediately (these worms can eject the 15 cm), which if not careful, it may bounce off into the eye. Hence someone brought cheese washed before eating. While some people use the plastic bag cover before to worm lacking oxygen and weak before finally died.
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