King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the queen, Princess Royal continue to strengthen the friendship with other countries. In Europe, America, Australia and Asia and served also visited people in various regions in all regions was manifested in the problems of the people in rural areas live with the poor and disadvantaged. You have to find a solution all the time until the present, can be said that. Everywhere on the land of Thailand you JMP you solve the problem ความทุกข์ยากและ bring happiness and well-being, up to the public. He devoted himself to benefit the health of the citizens and to the development of nation throughout the period of time by not considering the private benefit. The king gave the project, more than 3 000. The project, medical, agricultural, religious, irrigation, land development, transportation, education, as well as the economy for the benefit of the people in the rural areas. He also eliminate the suffering of the people in urban communities, such as you solve traffic, floods, and problems of water pollution at present. He initiated to help aid And the elephant conservation.
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