I miss pearl diamond rise, abundance, routine counter check-in on 19 September 2558 in files XJ610 DMK-KIX. During that time, the two passengers, a passenger, Japanese nationality and passengers German nationality.The inquiries. Passengers German nationality. Passengers living in Japan? And the passengers answered yes & nbsp;I know that the passengers German nationality. Can travel to Japan without the use of VISA but practices. International passengers living in Japan will have to perform a document that has lived at ญี่ปุ่นจริง.The passengers are ID CARD of Japan? The passengers answered. I was to see the documents, but at that moment, the passengers didn't take a document to me. So I think the passengers didn't hear.Passengers have pick up the document to me. I conducted a check-in and follow the system. Later, I asked about the baggage hold up the machine. Passengers reported a baggage hold up the machine 1 pieces.The baggage of passengers weighs approximately 11 kg. I will inform the passengers. Baggage can hold up the machine 1 pieces, weight not exceeding 7 kg, but the baggage of passengers weight excess.To 1 pieces, weight not exceeding 7 kg or able to pay, to load cargo. After.Later the passengers decided to choose to load luggage. And returned to the counter check-in to load my baggage. I advise price and writing a receipt to the passengers.The document is the receipt, check that out of the way, Kansai Airport To settle the weight baggage. So I can continue until well done. And let the passengers to pay at the counter service < br >
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.However, I have the execution rules exactly. And sorry if I have done anything is not should and distress to the passengers. Pawn and move, the words
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