The theory has important public administration or public administration student, why need to pay attention to public administration, public administration theory is the most interesting of all is the application of science and science of the United Center performance. This issue Smith and Frederickson (2003) explicitly stated that the need to pay attention here because of the public administration theory, but common sense, wisdom and experience of executives is not enough to make executives can be managed effectively. In response to the social environment. At the same time, the theory was to help create a body of knowledge in public administration, there is strong but the problem is that the theory of public administration is going to develop in the direction of creating a body of knowledge of public administration.When it comes to public administration theory What to consider in determining the direction of public administration theory is the question of whether there is a kind of public administration theory. The answer to this issue is that the category is a theory depends on the criteria used in the classification or the criteria used to divide, such as applying the criteria regarding the direction of development of knowledge to be used in the classification, it can be divided into a complex theory upman (Deductive Theory) with a complex theory assumes (Inductive Theory) if it is broken down by the size of the concept, it may be divided into macro theories such as the theory of the public choice theory and theory of organization, such as a comma, but if the aim of the split by Stephen Bailey K theory (1968) were classified into 4 types of public administration theory.1.Descriptive – Explanatory Theory is a theory about how to describe and explain the Descriptive Theory is to describe a single variable with a description of the variables property, in the best Explanatory Theory is explained with two variables is unable to determine the factors that cause factors also followed, such as engagement eventually affect the performance of employees in the organisation, etc.2. Theory is Assumptive terms earlier, so that it can be used to predict events that will happen by. If X then Y, in such a way as to see increased advertising agency's statement. What's coming up, it is to see the sales amount of increased organization. Therefore, the theory explains, those interested in understanding the hypothesis and Descriptive coolest Explanative.3. Instrumental Theory is a theory about the tools that help you analyze, which is used in public administration, public administration, because there is a science to application tool used in the analysis, such as incentive theory theory theory of leadership or management techniques, such as on the theory about QC, PMQA or theory about the management by objectives.4. Normative Theory is the study of what is supposed to be, it is a matter of values in decision making, but it is needed for public administration, public administration, because they relate to the management needed to do or not do about various policies, which differ from the other categories that relate theory with an emphasis on education, but the normative theory to provide an alternative to the decision, it is a theory that is important.However, most of the public administration theory students prefer to be split into two categories, public administration theory is the theory of causal hypothesis seemed complex (Empirical Theory) and pathatthan (Normative Theory) ("Lao wichian, 2550 (2007)) By a complex theory seemed to cover the theory to describe and explain (Descriptive-Explanatory) theory predicts, based on conditions that occur before the hypothesis (Theory Assumptive) and is a tool that helps in the analysis (Instrumental Theory), based on the concept of Stephen K Bailey itself this. By a complex theory seemed to be the theory and concepts that emphasize sustainability. Knowledge of Science (Science), the best theory and complex ideas seemed focused on in-depth discussion of philosophy and values, so the theory of both genres is the pursuit of knowledge and applied very differently. The theory and concepts both have strengths and weaknesses that are different. Again, you will see that today. Theory of public administration, mainly a complex theory seemed. This is not a theory of interpersonal relations. Theory, model theory, marketing or foreign organization are focused on the theory that the increase of knowledge would.
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