All countries India has approx 3,287,590 square kilometers divided into 28 States, 7 State SAR capital of the country is the city of Delhi in Haryana and in each State is the capital city of the State. India is a democratic country, in parliamentary systems. The country's head of State is the President, and a decentralized government in the Federation (Federal System).India is the second most populous in the world. From China, is approximately one thousand, one hundred million people in India are more than 200 languages and dialect official language is Hindi, which is the Hindi language to change comes from the Sanskrit and Pali languages themselves.People in India not to touch a woman's body in public. The etiquette of salutations. Both men and women would like men to pray to hand Thailand, phanom, but do not bend the head does not have a check in hand hands like the Europeans.
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