The transport contract This contract is made at the date and month of ..................... ...................... .............................................................................. ............ during 1993. ก นาย/นาง/นางสาว.................................................................................................. อายุ............ปี/ห้างหุ้นส่วนจำกัด............................................................................. By the end of the contract signing authority/authorities companies ............................................................................................................ limited by the end of the contract is signed, House No./Office number at ............/SOI moo ...................... ........................ ............................................ Road, road/t. ....................................... District next to which province ....................................... ............................... called "hired" one of the parties to the. ข. นาย/นาง/นางสาว.................................................................................................. อายุ............ปี/ห้างหุ้นส่วนจำกัด............................................................................. By the end of the contract signing authority/authorities companies ....................................................................................................... limited by the end of the contract is signed, House No./Office number at ............/SOI moo ...................... .................................. ................................. Road, road/t. ....................................... District next to which province ....................................... ............................... called "contractor" in another one. Without employment as a business about .................................................................... to employ people with knowledge, expertise and capabilities in transport, with employers and contractors who are authorized by the law of land transportation. Knowledge of the capabilities and experience in it as well. To get employers to act according to the wishes of the employment. Under the terms, rules and employment defined in all respects. Therefore, both parties therefore agreed to the contract. It contains the following message: 1. contract property purpose. Employment agreement employment agreement contractors hire and transport ..............................จาก............................................ของผู้ว่าจ้าง Located at ................................................................... to employment conditions and inform the subject of freight car of the contractors total number of cars is a car category .................. ..................................................... ยี่ห้อ..............................เครื่องยนต์.................................. C displacement size ................. Including the registration number, which is called .................................................................................................................... "employed". 2. the terms of contract. Both sides have agreed to contract terms this month/year ........ but ........ months ........ date ............. ............................. Since months since ............. ............................. 3. pay expenses and payments 3.1 employment buyers agreed to pay to the contractor a monthly lease rate as a month (...............................................) ................ Include/exclude value added tax (VAT) payments by the grain of every month, every day, at the contractor's or any other place where the employed defined. 3.2 the pay does not include the value of oil. Up the Expressway. Entrance and parking cars or by the contractor will be required to show proof of expenses came to collect it from employers every day of every month .... When employers monitor, see. Employers will pay the wage schedule with 3.1 message. 4. the rights and duties of employment. Employment terms and know that 5.1 to supply sufficient information on the contract for this work. 5.2 are monitoring the work of the contractors employed at any place that the contractors used to work for wages at any time the contractor's normal work. 5.3 contract work are employed only in only ............................. If employers intending to hire a contractor, in addition to that set forth in this contract. Employers will pay additional contractors, irrespective of the rate of baht per day ................. (.................... 650) per car 5.4 the employment of staff from the car, but the contractor must still be responsible for the damage until the fur's will be moving into a place where employers and employers have verified some of the cargo that is not missing or merit "6. the text of the rights and duties of the contractor. Contracts and contractors know 6.1 the use of expertise Careful and industrious working effectively in this contract and will perform duties according to the responsibilities of the job contract, this accomplished the primary professions are standard. 6.2 to supply cars and employees driving to work as wage employment at archives of employment by 1. ............ day of .................. day. Time ........... – Grain pm except holidays and where the ............................. employed and notify the contractor's expenses will be informed of the contractor himself. All this. If employers wish to take the car apart from time, as defined in the first paragraph. Contractors will be required to supply the car according to the wishes of those hired after receiving a notice from employment by the employers to pay more to those living in the hour/day rate (..............................) ................. 6.3 will decorate the car as well as supplying something early in the car for the boss to work at wages as employers, accurate match as defined in this contract. 6.4 will allow employers to stick stickers and films or any other publicity ads on. 6.5 contractors have car insurance and Insurance Act protection of victims from the vehicle, along with delivery of a copy of such insurance policy, employment based on this contract, and the date in the contractor will be responsible for all custom and insurance if contractor insurance rate increase agreed payment of insurance premiums on the rise solely. 6.6 the cars, with a driver the car is reserved to those employed in addition to the 1 in a car brand name .....
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