2. He received the diagnosis from a physician that the patient is in a khopracham. Even healthy eating trends that emphasize vegetables intake will come strong in the past few years, after coming to this, but it seems to be just a group of people live stream only. It is scary that people thaiyok that 75% consumed vegetables under the benchmark of the World Health Organization to determine whether the fruit and vegetable intake of 400 grams per day. By Associate Professor Dr. Wisit Chawasit Director, Institute of nutrition, Mahidol University has revealed the information to the National Conference on food and nutrition for a healthy No. 1 title "fruit and vegetables to nutrition security" When in the middle of the 2557 (2014) Thai country in January even as the center of a variety of fruits and vegetables, but from a survey of Thai people's health conditions by body 3 times 2546 (2003)-2547 (2004) found people consume fewer fruits, vegetables and Thai by a male at the age of 15 years consume fruits and vegetables about 268 grams per day, mostly female, age 15 years old consume fruits and vegetables about 283 grams per day, and consume less fruit and vegetables by age 80 age group in years to consume the least amount of just 200 grams per day. This is. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined a benchmark the consumption of fruits and vegetables in one day should not be less than 400 grams, which is proportional to the detrimental health because it reduces the risk of cancer by up to 50% reduction in the risk of heart disease by up to 30% reduction in risk of stroke has been 6% digestive cancer stomach esophagus 1-6% and also reduce body weight because vegetables, low power. There is also scientific evidence confirms that the consumption of fruit and vegetables in disproportion to the risk of the occurrence of chronic diabetes, all pressure. However, consumer behavior survey of Thai fruits vegetables back 75% of the Thai people that eat fruit, vegetables, less than 400 grams (10 ounces) a day by the country, there are Thai vegetables consumed up to 330 types, including folk, but with vegetables, Thai vegetable intake is only 70-80% of all vegetable-type only. There are also many types of vegetables that we are not consumed. If you look at why Thai people consumed less fruit, vegetables are likely to result from the hectic life in nowadays society. From past cultures, there are always vegetables and Thai foods especially vegetables as a component. Most Thai people eat vegetables vegetable side dish in the form of sweet chili sauce and vegetables in the Curry is the consumption of fast food that does not contain vegetables as the main component. Lose the balance of nutrients, low fruit and vegetable intake on disease burden is the cause of the Thai people in the vicinity, causing loss of health. Affect chronic disease contacts no, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc. Arrive here, many people may be wondering whether the 400 grams (10 ounces) fruit, vegetables. What quantity? Mrs. Suchit wheat nutrition Office House public health department at the Ministry of public health recommends that is simple, is divided into 5 sections, with section 2 or section 3 fruit and vegetable are thapphi, they are supposed to consume no less than 5 per day thapphi. The fascinating Asst. Prof. Rosa until paiboon specialist food and Nutrition Research Institute of nutrition, Mahidol University, added that a simple measure that would suit each person is using a handful of ourselves determines, for example, in a group of kids with big fruit and vegetable consumption, small hands, it must reduce the proportion to exerted. Already known whether fruit, vegetables, healthy kind Those who see the vegetables and then throw away disposable. It must try to train yourself to eat vegetables, fresh fruits, vegetables, especially with more vegetable nutrition through healthy fruit juice or a strong far disease.
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