1. The exhaustion of the brain, we would like to rest. Regular Joe Robinson
(Joe Robinson) who wrote a book about it to Work Live:The Guide Getting to a Life told the people that we need to cut off from the stress of the mind and body, so that the rest can mean 48 hours a week working to increase the stress, the brain is twice as much.In addition, vacation or have a siesta in the middle of the day of the European Americans think that it is a lazy, in fact, it is the tip of your life because they separate from the survey, it was found thatbut to be more than
Robinson also said that the American people have always believed that there must be a people who work sitting at all times otherwise the will be reduced, it is believed that entirely wrong
2.the needs of human beings are instinctively love comfort comfort, however, is in the
But if we look for comfort in all situations we will feel that it is a matter of something about it. It will be a reasonable (but may cause little inconvenience in our life) such as the getting up in the morning, the Food Co. , Ltd.etc has become a matter of vision, that we could not avoid doing them or Procrastination just to prolong the duration of happiness for longer, the
3. The fear of failure.Director, Lucy explains that before a man can only be successful, he must spend more than normal, and is always looking at the choice of the two is just "putting it all on the line" or "don't have to do anything."It's always a worry and STRESS POINTS in most cases, the fear that it may not be good value for money or fear that it will fail to win, so we will always select the do not need to do anything, because they felt that it was not going to make anything better
4. chemicals in the brain and genetic 2008 Dr. J. ธิโมธี Lightcraft ft (J.Timothy Lightfoot) University of North Carolina scientists movement research about the relationship between genes and energetic in order to develop the athlete to make the training better. The trial concluded thatIt is likely that this is what had been brought from birth, and it is something that we are not able to choose
5.The lack of motivation, we have reason to be more than a flicker of light to make it feel all alone, whether it is Mr. bored bored bored. bored Nong colleagues do not like table beside him in the atmosphere in the house far away OfficeThe only reason, etc. , from the said factors, it can erode morale and it is the cause of the lazy easily.
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