Globalization word "Globalization" means to spread around the world (of news), the world community can not be placed at any point can be felt, touched or affected by something that happens quickly spacious stemmed from the development. information So globalization is the information age (Information Age) borderless era as a development and dramatic changes in technology, communications and transportation. Various countries have come closer together. Global flows of capital and information in the form. Including certain values such as human rights and the environment. Expands globally important aspect of globalization. A variety of activities related to distribution operations. Which originally may have a monopoly at the center or the few places in the world. Out to a local or a new center. More diverse So it can be said that Globalized society, it is a world where humans can cross national borders and through time can be. Using information technology to communicate in a seamless manner. In the eyes of the technology world. It is a small world can contact each other easily and quickly the world is changing rapidly in all dimensions of social, economic, political and technology as a result of the development of information technology. And the change in world political economy. As a result, countries in the world to rely on each other. And a connection between each other. Back vast world ever smaller. Each country lands far away can contact each other within seconds, like a village (Global Village) mountain and sea, a natural border. The barrier had been in contact to come to. Seem to disappear into a world without borders, a key aspect of social globalization computer is an important tool in disseminating information society, globalization, the computer has a very important role. It is a tool to get and convert it quickly and do not have restrictions. Computers have been used to store data information systems. Adopt and communicate to each other in rapid succession all over the world. Within a few years. Has developed a computer system dramatically. From large, expensive. A computer system Personal smaller cheaper quality and potential. PC is an important tool to distribute information in the era of globalization, the rise of labor's side. The number of workers who worked on the news. There are an increasing number These workers include those in the education, transportation, printing, advertising media of all types, including industrial manufacturing, finance, accounting, computers or computer parts. And work on technology to deal with. All news caused an influx of information. Science and technology contributes to economic and social progress. Economic progress made wealthy Western world. This will result in a useful stimulus to research and development. For study and research that is beneficial relentless. Institutions were also made research to acquire new knowledge, more technology advanced, it contributes to the exchange of new information circulating constantly, endlessly economic coordination is. The one In a globalized economy, will be coordinated by a single. Borders each country could block economic vitality is also economy has changed fundamentally from the industry to the economy and the news (Information based economy), the economy is directly related to the production, management and dissemination. News became one Examples of this type of business, such as computer manufacturing. Telecommunications phone books, journals, radio, television and print news as a significant and important resources. You want me to take charge. News has become a funding source And a source of employment impact of globalization on the global impact of social, cultural world crowns. Because communication without borders Causes cover the cultural world. Cultural influence and economic power from the developed countries have runoff into the country severely. Sparked World Cultures (Neo - Westernization) dominated the idea of looking at the world dress consumerism. He covered the pervasive national culture of each country, the consequences are going monopoly borderless global village (Global Village) from the advancement of technology and telecommunications to provide social borderless world. The whole world as a member of the same village who do. It can recognize Around the world When in the same village What strikes one country would affect other countries could go with. Avoidable The incident occurred in any part of the world to recognize the sudden impact of social occurrences can be seen that there is a phenomenon called POP CULTURE happen this phenomenon. Culture is a scandal. In the broad practice Such as food consumption by way of a FAST FOOD American people being educated in the same pattern as in lifestyle affect the economy , a new economic system. This information has come to play a major role. Which will lead to changes in production. Production from the same year.
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