ปลาที่ได้รับคิวพีโปรไบโอติกส์ผสมในอาหารเม็ดสำเร็จรูปความเข้มข้น 1 เปอร การแปล - ปลาที่ได้รับคิวพีโปรไบโอติกส์ผสมในอาหารเม็ดสำเร็จรูปความเข้มข้น 1 เปอร อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


ปลาที่ได้รับคิวพีโปรไบโอติกส์ผสมในอาหารเม็ดสำเร็จรูปความเข้มข้น 1 เปอร์เซ็นต์

Freshwater fishes in India are poorly known and plagued by many unresolved cryptic species complexes that masks some latent and endemic species. Limitations in traditional taxonomy have resulted in this crypticism. Hence, molecular approaches like DNA barcoding, are needed to diagnose these latent species. We have analyzed 1383 barcode sequences of 175 Indian freshwater fish species available in the databases, of which 172 sequences of 70 species were generated. The congeneric and conspecific genetic divergences were calculated using Kimura's 2 parameter distance model followed by the construction of a Neighbor Joining tree using the MEGA 5.1. DNA barcoding principle at its first hand approach, led to the straightforward identification of 82% of the studied species with 2.9% (S.E = 0.2) divergence between the nearest congeners. However, after validating some cases of synonymy and mislabeled sequences, 5% more species were found to be valid. Sequences submitted to the database under different names were found to represent single species. On the other hand, some sequences of the species like Barilius barna, Barilius bendelisis and Labeo bata were submitted to the database under a single name but were found to represent either some unexplored species or latent species. Overall, 87% of the available Indian freshwater fish barcodes were diagnosed as true species in parity with the existing checklist and can act as reference barcode for the particular taxa. For the remaining 13% (21 species) the correct species name was difficult to assign as they depicted some erroneous identification and cryptic species complex. Thus, these barcodes will need further assay and inclusion of barcodes of more specimens from same and sister species.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The fish has been mixing probiotic p, q in the finished pellet food 1 concentration percentage.Freshwater fishes in India are poorly known and plagued by many unresolved cryptic species complexes that masks some latent and endemic species. Limitations in traditional taxonomy have resulted in this crypticism. Hence, molecular approaches like DNA barcoding, are needed to diagnose these latent species. We have analyzed 1383 barcode sequences of 175 Indian freshwater fish species available in the databases, of which 172 sequences of 70 species were generated. The congeneric and conspecific genetic divergences were calculated using Kimura's 2 parameter distance model followed by the construction of a Neighbor Joining tree using the MEGA 5.1. DNA barcoding principle at its first hand approach, led to the straightforward identification of 82% of the studied species with 2.9% (S.E = 0.2) divergence between the nearest congeners. However, after validating some cases of synonymy and mislabeled sequences, 5% more species were found to be valid. Sequences submitted to the database under different names were found to represent single species. On the other hand, some sequences of the species like Barilius barna, Barilius bendelisis and Labeo bata were submitted to the database under a single name but were found to represent either some unexplored species or latent species. Overall, 87% of the available Indian freshwater fish barcodes were diagnosed as true species in parity with the existing checklist and can act as reference barcode for the particular taxa. For the remaining 13% (21 species) the correct species name was difficult to assign as they depicted some erroneous identification and cryptic species complex. Thus, these barcodes will need further assay and inclusion of barcodes of more specimens from same and sister species.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Fish that have been QP Probiotic Blend in food pellets containing 1 percent Freshwater fishes in India are poorly known and plagued by many unresolved cryptic species complexes that masks some latent and endemic species. Limitations in traditional taxonomy have resulted in. this crypticism. Hence, molecular approaches like DNA barcoding, are needed to diagnose these latent species. We have analyzed 1383 barcode sequences of 175 Indian freshwater fish species available in the databases, of which 172 sequences of 70 species were generated. The congeneric and conspecific. genetic divergences were calculated using Kimura's 2 parameter distance model followed by the construction of a Neighbor Joining tree using the MEGA 5.1. DNA barcoding principle at its first hand approach, led to the straightforward identification of 82% of the studied species with 2.9% (SE. = 0.2) divergence between the nearest congeners. However, after validating some cases of synonymy and mislabeled sequences, 5% more species were found to be valid. Sequences submitted to the database under different names were found to represent single species. On the other hand. , some sequences of the species like Barilius barna, Barilius bendelisis and Labeo bata were submitted to the database under a single name but were found to represent either some unexplored species or latent species. Overall, 87% of the available Indian freshwater fish barcodes were diagnosed. as true species in parity with the existing checklist and can act as reference barcode for the particular taxa. For the remaining 13% (21 species) the correct species name was difficult to assign as they depicted some erroneous identification and cryptic species complex. Thus,. these barcodes will need further assay and inclusion of barcodes of more specimens from same and sister species.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Fish get queue P probiotic mixed in food grain of concentration 1 percent

Freshwater fishes in India are poorly. Known and plagued by many unresolved cryptic species complexes that masks some latent and endemic species. Limitations in. Traditional taxonomy have resulted in this, Hence crypticism.Molecular approaches like, DNA barcoding are needed to diagnose these latent species. We have analyzed 1383 barcode sequences. Of 175 Indian freshwater fish species available in, the databases of which 172 sequences of 70 species were generated.The congeneric and conspecific genetic divergences were calculated using Kimura 's 2 parameter distance model followed by. The construction of a Neighbor Joining tree using the MEGA 5.1. DNA barcoding principle at its first, hand approach led. To the straightforward identification of 82% of the studied species with 2.9% (S.E = 0.2) divergence between the nearest. However congeners,.After validating some cases of synonymy and mislabeled sequences 5% more, species were found to be valid. Sequences submitted. To the database under different names were found to represent single species. On the, other hand some sequences of the species. Like, Barilius BarnaBarilius bendelisis and Labeo Bata were submitted to the database under a single name but were found to represent either. Some unexplored species or latent species. Overall 87% of, the available Indian freshwater fish barcodes were diagnosed. As true species in parity with the existing checklist and can act as reference barcode for the particular taxa.For the remaining 13% (21 species) the correct species name was difficult to assign as they depicted some erroneous identification. And cryptic species complex. Thus these barcodes, will need further assay and inclusion of barcodes of more specimens from. Same and sister species.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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