Challenges you 'll be facing as you make a transition into a frontline position
1. Shifting mind-set from working as individual. " Contributor. "To" getting work done through others "
2. Earning right to lead
3. Developing, a wider broader network
4. Translating. Strategy into action
Your leadership brand - > 3 key attributes for successful leaders (Leadership differentiators
1.Be authentic (your actions mirror what you believe and feel) what you do = what you say
2. Bring out the best in people
3.? Be receptive to feedback - use it as learning opp. & receive with gratitude
Leadership is a conversation - > make people. Feel, heard valued and motivated, build trust & ownership
Practical Needs (to get work done) & Personal Needs (to be respected. And valued)
.To meet Personal Needs - Use Key Principles (Esteem Empathy Involvement,,,, Share Support)
Five-Step Conversation Road. Map
To meet Practical Needs - Use Interaction Guidelines (Open Clarify Develop,,,, Agree Close)
Common Leadership Interaction. Styles
1. Problem Solver
2. Interrogator
3. Relationship Builder
4. Straight Talker
5. Skeptic
6. Motivator
7. Detached. 8 Assenter
.How to Execute with Focus Measurement and,, Accountability
3 Essential elements of Execution - > Focus Measurement (Lead,, & Lag), and Accountability
The priorities you need to, focus on the progress and outcome measures associated with these. Priorities and accountability, for accomplishing the work. - > using Radar chart as an ongoing tool (strategy execution tool)
.Hiring and Selecting the Best (Behavior predicts behavior)
Selection Traps 1. Failing to seek complete and consistent information. From applicants on the specific competencies needed for success in the job.
2. Misinterpreting applicant information
3.? Disregarding job motivation
4. Allowing biases and stereotypes to affect judgment.
5. Making wrong decisions
6.Allowing pressure to fill in the position to affect judgment.
7. Failing to sell applicants on the advantages of, the job. Org or job, location
Interview Tip 1. Keep your focus on job-related, and knowledge competencies, experience
2. Use. Behavior to predict behavior
3. Search for STAR
4. Interview for "will do." and "can do"
5. Don 't go it alone
6. Check references
7.Sell the job and your company
8. Keep it legal
What your boss really wants from you (Become an adviser)
Good boss (make. Difference in business and people live empower develop people coaching,,,,, hold accountable give feedback leadership,,, Good listener build trust, good role, model)
Engagement and Retention (Creating the Environment to Energize People)
3 Drivers: 1.Individual, value (development recognition), 2. Meaningful work (,, purpose information empowerment), 3. Positive environment. ,, (respect collaboration trust).
Meetings (Make them count!)
Coaching (Learning from Success) Seek > Tell; with IG & KP
Proactive. Coaching (seeking commitment by, asking question share insight) - Guide for the success
.Reactive coaching (telling what to do to solve a problem) - Guide for the development
Feedback (Leader comment, should Specific. Timely Balanced in, both positive & developmental FB)
Handling difficult employee situations (focus on, the behavior not. Person) - > be hard on the issue & soft on People
8 tips to get results
1. Start with comprehensive hiring process
2.Ensure expectations for perf. Are always clear
3. Pinpoint the situation
4. Planning approach and conversation
, 5. Coaching 6. Keep notes
7. Prepare for conversation
8. Don 't get hooked emotionally
Delegation (be delegator not a dumper) with monitoring. & measuring
Consider (keep the task delegate generation, idea, task delegate delegate, authority) question about (abilities,, Availability.Motivation development, needs)
Performance Management (is ongoing cycle) - > see performance cycle
1. Performance goal. (about "what", be SMART goals)
2. Behavioral goal (about "how", in STAR)
.You & Your network (for business relationship) strong network is valuable resource to guide you through complexity of work. Today - > getting work done through people "who you know" - > will help you
5 kinds of network
1. Idea
2. Development
3.? Social
4. Influence
5. Career
Think about 3 arenas on the network (,, Personal strategic operational)
4 practices of networking
1.Identify needed information / expertise and who can provide it
2. Reach out to establish a network contact
3. Ask for help. From the network contact
4. Maintain relationship
Influence (,, Look up down across) = > it is personal power make them,, Commitment and support
.Strategy (advocate benefits - > collect evidence - > consider environment factors - > create and nurture business network. - > encourage experiences - > enlist 3rd party involvement - > plan small wins)
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