In Viet Nam (Việt ngữ Tiếng Việt,) is a language that has the tone and language of the country, Viet Nam Viet Nam population's native language is up to 87%, including about 2 million migrants from Viet Nam, and people, including nationals of Viet Nam-American is acceptable. Although the borrowed vocabulary from the original Chinese and using Chinese character writing, but linguists are still held in Viet Nam, is a language group of the histogram, this group, which in Semitic Sierra rae language Viet Nam has the most speakers (10 times the number of native speakers of the language, there is a secondary is a Khmer language) in the bed was so.Narabop writing of the language originally used to write the Viet Nam, China, called "yo" chue later nationals Viet Nam have developed a Chinese writer to use to write the language known as Viet Nam "letter", but the current GNOME chue in Viet Nam used the Roman alphabet developed by the missionary of France. The diacritic is used in transcribing the language families [solved]Viet Nam branch in language v yot-Muong (Viet-Muong), which is one of the branches of the family in the Mon language (Mon-Khmer), as well as Khmer or-Gu of stony raechia Semitic (Austroasiatic) contains Mon language Khmer language MUI ANDA etc, but some linguists believe that language should be classified as one branch of Viet Nam. Extract from the Mon language-KhmerThe local accent [solved]Viet Nam is a language variety of local voices, but for the most part treated with 3 digits as follows:Local local. The name in France's colonial era.Northern Viet Nam Tin Hotel Hanoi, Haiphong and other North local local provincial level: choosing tangkia.Central Viet Nam Tin Hotel hue, Tin-Tin, Nam Quang saddle Shiga and Osaka high.Viet Nam Saigon South wilderness, wilderness River (far West) and Cochin China na.These tone dialect pronunciation and sometimes have different terminology? Even though there are dialect hawe terminology differs quite a lot from the other transcribing "shells" and "Shiga" there are differences in the North but to swallow the same tone as in the South.Sounds "ch" and "tr" is pronounced differently in the southern and middle, but included as a single voice in the wilderness of North. For syntax differences, it does not appear.Sound system [solved]Consonants [solved]Consonants in Viet Nam have phoneme according to table below. By letter to the left is a font used to write the sound in a language represent the Middle letters, Viet Nam is a phonetic alphabet and the right side is a popular Thai letters transliterated.Lips, tongue, solid ceiling cassette alveolar soft ceiling audio line.The catchment is Kong p [p], t [t] tr. [tʂ ~ ʈ] e ch [c ~ tɕ] e c/k [k]. Built along th [tʰ] suite Kong b [ɓ] PAP đ [ɗ] jade d [ɟ] Gonzalez. Friction insert is Kong ph [f] reef [s] x s s [ʂ] Gonzalez kh [x] c h [h] ฮ.Kong v [v] – gi [z] r [ʐ ~ ɹ] Gonzalez Gonzalez g/gh [ɣ]. Nasik m [m] m, n [n]-nh [ɲ] ญ ng/ngh [ŋ] Discography Open u/o [w] l WOR [l] y [j] & i/d. The various dialects of Viet NamNorth sound format in the middle of the North South Central.Second x [s] s [s] s [s] s [s] ...S [ʂ] h (rolls tongue) [ʂ] h (rolls tongue) [ʂ] h (rolls tongue)Ch [tɕ] e [tɕ] e [tɕ] e [tɕ] e.Tr [tʂ] e (rolls tongue) [tʂ] e (rolls tongue) [tʂ] e (rolls tongue)R [z] Gonzalez (Kong) [ɻ] lookin (rolls tongue) [ɻ] lookin (rolls tongue) [ɻ] lookin (rolls tongue)D [ɟ] semi semi e. (Kong) [j] d [j] d.Gi [z] Gonzalez (Kong)V [1] [v] [v] semi semi semi reef – reef Center.Variant c [k] [k], [k] and [k].T [t]. [t].tAfter e [k, t]./.tAfter ê [t]. [k, t]./.tAfter i [t].Ch [ʲk] e/w [k].ng [ŋ] D [ŋ] D [ŋ] D [ŋ] DiscographyN [n]-[n]-nAfter i, ê [n]-[n]-Nh [ʲŋ]/[ŋ] ญ discography. DiscographyVowel sounds [solved] In the middle of the page.I highly [i]/-ิ/ư [ɯ ɨ/]/-ือ/u [u]/-ู/Ê [e] high medium/o-/ơ [ɤ ə/ː ː]/t-p/ô [o]/â-/Low medium low [ɛ] e/-/â [ə/ɤ/ɜ]/t-a/o [ɔ]/-p/Ă [a] low/-ะ/a,-า//[a ː]Voice transcribing 850.Linguists study language in Viet Nam and in Semitic languages, as well as the histogram of Gu raechia, as well as the Khmer language, which is a system of two-syllable words (Disyllable) and register (Register) is an important feature of the language is the language that does not have a sound system, but the current development of Viet Nam in transcribing audio tone up using because of the influence of language including audio guides, language families, Tai (Tai familly) surrounding and Viet Nam into Chinese employed at that time.Swimming in the transcribing has pronounced Viet Nam within (thanh thanh điệu?) by transcribing. There are differences that.Sound level.The length of theTone up and downA toughPronunciation of throat (audio line)Tone markers are usually written above or below vowels (mostly written over the vowel, but Wan nang application (nặng) is below the pool) in the northern dialect tone 6 (including Hanoi.) are as follows:The style name, for example, the pronunciation of the vowel, for example.Ngang ' level ' Advanced ˧ (no mark) ma ' ghost ' about this sound a (help · info) AdidasHuyền ' hanging ' mà ' ˨˩ ', but fall under the ' about this audio à (help · info) dress up.Sắc ' sharp ' ´ rising má ˧˥ ' cheek, mother (Southern) ' this Sonic á (help · info) a.Hỏi ' asking ' ˧˩˧ ' mả ̉ lower hole, the mausoleum grave this Sonic ả (help · info) a.Ngã ' fall ' to rise to stop ˧˥ˀ mã ' horse key news (China-Viet Nam), this Sonic ã ' code (help · info) a-a.Nặng ' heavy ' lower fall stop ˧˨ˀ ̣ mạ ' rice ', this Sonic ạ (help · info) to decorate * (sound)Syntax [solved]The dominant language is the language of Viet Nam as well as in Chinese and Southeast Asian languages, etc. Syntax highlighting that sort the words and sentence structure rather than inflection. Show by adding words like language-Thai-language Viet Nam as a distinctive two syllable words, but there are a large number of. Sorting words in a sentence as a verb-subject-verb.Passage [solved]Usually there is no need to show the General past tense is indicated by the current action is the term more đã đang future sẽ.The structure shows the topic [solved]Sentence structure is important in Viet Nam. Đọc sách này, for example Toi rồi = this I read a book by a new sentence, it may become đọc Sách này rồi toi thi = this book I read (thi is a show topic)Plural [solved]In General, do not show. If the display is using more into sentences, such as, những các, chúng.Classifier [solved]Viet Nam language has a noun classifier used to display the same characteristics of the Thai language and Chinese language, such as fauna to con cái applies to things of life is a classifier may share such as con cái.Pronoun [solved]Pronoun in the English language, unlike the Viet Nam is the pronoun each word were not explicitly referred to as the men's Division 1, 2 or 3 depending on the speaker and the audience. It also needs to be Bethlehem
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