The structure of DNA (Structure of DNA)
1. A polynucleotide (polynucleotide) 2 lines. Based on the matching of the base, each line is the direction from the end of the 5 'to 3' polls back garden direction (antiparallel)
2.เบสไทมีน (T) adheres to the base adenine (A) with hydrogen bonding double bond or double bonds the bass cytosine (C) based on the head and base guanine (G) with a triple bond, hydrogen bond Triple bonds
3.Polynucleotide (polynucleotide) 2 Iines. The twisted ladder clockwise by. The sugar deoxyribose (Deoxyribose. Sugar) catch with a phosphate group (phosphate group) similar to a railing
4. In 1 around the strand of DNA (DNA) consists of a pair คู่เบส 10
5.Spiral each round away was 34 BC (pronounced angstroms) or 3.4 and nm polynucleotide (polynucleotide) 2 line with diameter 20 BC. Or 2 nm each base pairs away with 3.4 angstroms or 0.34 nm spiral tilt angle 36 degrees.
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