ในประเทศไทย, other province ก็มีปัญหาแบบนี้เช่นกัน แต่อาจจะน้อยกว่าที่ your country เพราะป่าไม้ที่ประเทศไทยจะ humidity มากกว่าที่นั้น. Thailand 's Tropical zone
In other countries, Thai province, there is a problem as well, but it may be less than your country because of the national forests, humidity, rather than the Thai Thailand Tropical zone ' s.
In Thailand, other province has this problem as well. But may be less than your country, because the country is forest humidity over there. Thailand 's Tropical zone
In Thailand, other province have such problems as well, but may be less than that your country because forest that the country will humidity. More than that. Thailand 's Tropical zone.