Force New Entrants is that 1 of a pair of new competition. The business we are in. New competitors come easy or difficult, or would like a simple production technology. Supply of raw materials is difficult or easy. The market has a lot of appeal? If everything was easy. New competitors will come easily. We will have the same number of competitors more. Force the Suppliers of Key Inputs, where 2 is the power of the vendor you have a seller (Supplier) many lists. You have the power to negotiate him much less caching? Descendants of his great focus on San? The business must have a loan, it is necessary to view this story. 3 Substitute Products that Force was coming of age of a replacement item, such as a customer's life style products are altered for example, see, for example, a change from the photographic film is digital camera. Changing from sending mail through post office box as an email, etc. You have to imagine what your business is likely to be an item of the type instead of one at a time, or do you have a tendency to replace the item, type? Force that is the power of the four Buyers who purchase. In business, a market, or whether you are a small customer list, have the power to bargain with you, how much, for example, a mobile phone in the first age. The network is locked into the machine, the customer will have to think hard to change camp, the active network because the means to buy a new phone. Currently, the network is unlocked the machine and then assembled with the taste and the price is down, The customer has the right to change the network to come to camp with ease. If the next step is to unlock a phone number believed the race of mobile networks, this must be his because clients may be changed using the network as that play. So if a customer changes mind easily. Various promotion price competition more and more become a customer benefits from the competition and has the power to negotiate higher.And Force a 1-4 will be powered to Force the Rivalry among five competing seller in the middle is the State of competition in the single market and product group. A competitive market so they do not have a rotation, holidays, ask to verify that our competitors have compounded what our Organization very RA. An analysis of the approach of the Organization itself is located, and then answer the questions that each side until. SWOT analysis of an organization that there are 3.2 weaknesses and strengths, what. You will need to use extra strength is and how to use the strengths, weaknesses, or what obstacles the Organization's signature Mazda.3.2 analysis of the trend of the market situation and the State of competition in the next three years.A year ago, and then check to see if the trends of the various aspects of the following 3 years.-The trend of macro-oriented business environment. Social, economic, legal, political, cultural and technological trends that will affect us.-The trend of customers.-The trend of the competitor.-The trend of environment within a business, such as our products and services? Our production process is more likely? As the finance people? A profound analysis. Because of this process, the water flow analysis compared the us rowing is a test to see if the water flow is? Tend to flow to the direction and we're rowing or by Lance. We must exert how to paddle into the goal in the next year and another three years forward.
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