At present, there is a coffee shop business growth rate high. Small entrepreneurs to improve their businesses, as well as new entrepreneurs come back a lot. Although coffee is a beverage that is sold, and it is well known in Thai for a long time, but the look and behavior of Thai men drink coffee will have a different identity from foreign tourists.In the past 2-3 years ago Coffee product markets tend to grow continuously. Thai farmers Research Center co. Ltd., predicted that the value of coffee products in the year 2548 (2005) is equal to 21000 million. Which is more than 100 percent growth in quantity since the year 2545 (2002) and 10 percent growth rate by a separate coffee powder, canned coffee r113 million 9300 7000 million and premium coffee shop 4700 million respectively.When considering only the premium coffee shop to see that sales volume increased minimum 500 million baht per year. Start from baht 3,000 million in the year 2545 (2002) 3500 million increase in the year 2546 (2003) move a 4000 million in the past year 2547 (2004), predicted that it will increase by the year 4700 million 2548 (2005) due to the quantity of premium coffee shop launched a continuous rise and consumers turn to drink coffee ground coffee instead of instant powder, more.In a coffee shop, a premium as a result, there are more and more intense competition. In particular, the distribution channels, most of which will be opened in the area of modern shops or in Modern Trade, regardless of whether it is a mall. Hyper birthday County thotto discharge causing good grabing Make the cost to expand each branch increased. To adjust the strategy to emphasize a practitioner and make a difference by expanding to cover areas that have the customer target groups. By thamlenok modern store interesting is the oil pump. Cinema. EVS exhibition Bookstore Hospital Fitness station and airport.However, the coffee shop at the gas station is a business that has been growing and a very interesting one business income. Because the total market to grow wealth. While costs and expenses in daily turnover is high because most of the raw materials will be used primarily on domestic raw materials. By a coffee shop in the oil pump will earn approximately 3000 per day-6000 baht or about 1000 baht per day, profitable coffee shops in the oil pump is small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that are interesting and worthy of continued support. Because of the current market, a coffee shop in the range expansion and customer base to accommodate more. While the number of coffee shops in petrol stations, although at present there are hundreds of stores, but it is still not considered a serious competition too much.The Coffee shop business from foreign investment coming in succession to each other open joint-venture in Thailand shows that the market of coffee business, the future, and has been evaluated as the next expansion. At the same time, it is an alarm from the invasion of multinational businesses pressure the coffee shops of Thai investors need to adapt both the taste and the service to face the market penetration of the famous coffee shop network from abroad.In addition to competition of premium coffee shop as overseas branch network. Those Thai's premium coffee shop also turned to expand its overseas branches. Currently there is a coffee shop Thai premium in Malaysia and Singapore is the country 3 Indonesia.Premium coffee shop business is still a business of investment opportunities because of that also from the Thai people's coffee intake is low and most of the popular coffee intake. That this premium coffee shop business will change the behavior of Thai men's coffee consumption. In addition The current premium coffee shop business is become shop in popularity, with more than 10 operators make business expansion announcement at this seriously since the year 2543 (2000), both extending a premium coffee shop in Bangkok and other provinces. However, retail investors, they want to come in this business very carefully because it sounds higher than major investors who have both money and technology, as well as techniques to expand the market base, twist, flip consumed provides opportunities for greater business success.This is. Thai farmers Research Center has analyzed the coffee products for all types of business, is also an attractive and can grow much more because coffee consumption rate of Thai people in the current low is less than 0.5 per cent consumption kg/person/year, or is just 130-150 cups per person/year, mountain.(Or on average less than one glass per person per day) because the quantity of Thai people who consume coffee regularly, with only 30 per cent (or up to 2 million people) from all Thai people, the population of over 60 million people, which also has a low volume compared to countries in Asia, such as Japan, the average glass of coffee drinks, 500/person/year, or on average 700 American coffee mugs/person/year (average or 2 glasses per person/day), so. There are also coffee products business opportunities grow more. But expectations that competition in the market of coffee products will be even more severity.Therefore, entrepreneurs in business strategy, this coffee is both offensive and keep up with the market situation has changed, especially premium coffee shop. If the Thai economy overview can also grow continuously. Experts in the business of coffee. Projected market capitalization passes level 7000 million. Within less than 5 years into the future, certainly.
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