Ceremony of marriage between Lord p. Toulouse (Peleus) and Mrs. Apsonthithit (Thetis) The couple was not invited to a goddess of blood feud, e Heritage (Eris) came to their marriage. She appears in a wedding party, and threw it on the table a Golden Apple "Apple as of now ... E-saphut ", who is one of the most beautiful," he said.Devi, head (Hera) pour v Athena (Athena) and v t the afro (Aphrodite) Tang wanted to occupy the Apple. Maha Thep pursuit (Zeus), he declared that Paris (Paris) Prince of Troy, and think this is the best format, a young man who lived to become a judge.God Hermes (Hermes) to Paris and Paris agreed to become a judge. Devi, he promised to give him power. Tracy v Athena promises to give him wealth and his promise that the afro-v will be the most beautiful girl in the world.Paris select Hotel anhydrous afro-and v-Mrs. contract with him, Helen (Helen) The wife of the God-nature mail assumption (Menelaus) is his wife. Paris prepared to go for a sparkling eye to abduct Mrs. Helen. They predicted twins. Princess Castle San dara (Cassandra), and Prince-Hey nat (Helenus) tries to seduce him to do so, as well as her head, Cuba (Hecuba), his mother. But Paris doesn't pay attention and sparkling eyes.They are located in the agricultural Festival.
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