Initially, when teenagers. I bought the book translate to (name what don't remember. Translated from the English children's literature, but about A wrinkle in time) tried to read, but read nothing แปลห่วย. Tell me, such as this one time"Hear the wind forest"
.Think for a long time that sound "forest wind"? Asked you, you don't know. Finally, you can borrow from the original English language school's library to read to translate
oh. The original version is woodwind (means instruments blow) translate push to "forest wind"
.Besides it has read the story and asked to ask you annoyed, chase to read the original English language itself
we'll sit open dictionary. Gradually a sheep? Don't know about you? But also understand more than read the translated version
.Since then, decided to not reading the translated again. Try to learn English in order to read the manuscript itself does not have to rely on others.
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