Classroom management (Classroom management) is that teachers will manage the learning in the classroom more effectively. Management in the classroom is that teachers need to be aware of from the teacher needs to be classroom management (Classroom management), the teacher manages the learning in the classroom more effectively. Management in the classroom is that teachers need to be aware of from the teacher needs to be classroom management. Classroom management (Classroom management), the teacher manages the learning in the classroom more effectively. Management in the classroom is that teachers need to be aware of starting a teacher needs to have good interpersonal skills. With a personality that reflects compassion and friendly participants recognize the participants individually to know people. In accordance with ability and interest of participants that teachers should have the tools and skills to gather information, which may be noticed the interview. The social dimension and making the list of cases, etc. In addition, the control class as a teacher should pay attention. If you encounter a problem student teacher to do. The teacher must know that students taught in any age. His age, what a curious interest. If the teacher has students design corresponds to each student. Like what we like in a range of children's classes because we liked the teacher? ages of participants and comply with our lined learners, learners are interested, and in addition there were many students have defined the meaning of classroom management in the same orientation as follows:O Moore (2001), that is, class management is the process of regulation and system of the classroom to learn. Classroom management is often realized that involves maintaining discipline and control layers, however. This is easy to understand too well because the management classes, there are several things that this goes on, that is, the creation and care of the environment of the classroom so that students achieve their educational goals.EGGEN and KAUCHAK o (1998) make a definition that the class consists of management thinking, planning, and compliance with all of the creative teacher to systematically organized environment and promote learning by the goal of management (MANAGEMENT GOALS) are two important.1.1 create the environment that will promote learning is to have the most, and the teacher will be able to reflect on your own work by asking ourselves regularly that the management system facilitate students to learn how.1.2 development of students, with the potential to manage and apply ourselves to learn manually. Therefore, the management class as a tool to encourage students to understand and accept it manually. Self assessment and self regulation is appropriate according to the ages.O Bo rafi (Jere Brophy, 1996:5) discusses management class, that means that teachers create and maintain a learning environment in which to manage a successful teaching and learning, both in terms of the environment. The creation of rules and actions that make interesting lessons have continued, as well as to participate in the academic activities in the classroom.O Burgo (Paul Burden, 1993:3), the definition of the classroom management strategies and practices that teachers use to keep a tidy.O surang โค้ว clan (2548:436) discussed the meaning of effective classroom management, how to create and maintain a classroom environment to facilitate student learning or teacher refers to all activities performed in order to allow effective teaching and student learning outcomes in tha สมัฤ according to the objectives set.To manage the environment both inside and outside Classrooms to encourage children to learn with pleasure. To manage the environment must take into consideration the following:1. clean the safety2. free sparingly in the play.3. in operating activities4. the availability of buildings such as the classroom. Bathroom with toilet, playground, etc.5. adequate number of colors, size and weight appropriate subject of the media and the players.6. to learn how to make and play experience.The concept of class management1. classroom management and teaching as an associate. Classroom management is not a destination, but as a part of the important leadership role of the teacher. Managed classes cannot be separated from teaching duties When planning teaching is that the teachers are planning a classroom management, learning communities.2. it is not possible to separate the management of the classroom to serve the teaching management. The format of teaching or the teachers use strategies for each format has its own management systems and has a unique mission of a particular strategy or to influence the behavior of both teachers and students, the teacher will describe the lessons will also need to listen. If the students do group how it is different from the behavior of an individual alone, at least that is the seat. Therefore, the task of teaching involves both a problem ordering method. The problem of handling classroom problems, students follow the activity. The teachers plan classroom management appropriate for both teaching and learning activities and tasks, is that teachers use to decide wisely all the time. Physical and psychological atmosphere which will cause the atmosphere to learn and reduce discipline problems of the students.3. the management of a class is the challenge of a professional teacher. The ability of the teacher to show leadership by the Executive of the class, all the students events. The atmosphere in the classroom management Behavioral aspects of care, discipline, collaboration in learning to learn and have to steal company.
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