Analysis about the management process 4 travel.If the community is "tourism resources" valuable and blessing, คญั enough to attract.Sleeping travel to him come ye Yi Dai and Tony fails, have "knowledge" and the "care and support, and promote".Sector or each parties as well, but there is no appropriate management เที่ยวก็ surfing.Be able to happen has are that. What must be done next is "management" in the process of repair wellWater color must be the least in 3 aspects (1) resource management.Travel repair"s refers to the sky have Fu and measures to maintain. To make tourism resources are available.Can be used ไดอ้ sustainable and most long-standing without being applied. The pattern of the process of.Travel (2) have registration administration structure is that the end up repair means that two is listed. The action, set.The eye position and who is he responsible for work in Da River, and (3) formulation.The tourism activities is come. You mean what repair, visitors will find or get on in.The BA"s travel repair water off zombies is ไดม้ color management จดั work as 3 side should have I made a noise plaza because they have the base.Correct knowledge with support from various parties. And a board together.Its work is dedicated.
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