The water plant is a beautiful marine life economy currently is critical because of the widely popular all over the world. By bringing decorative fish or plant water park. There are currently various types of plant water use brought decor fish and more than 250 types of water plant (Riehl and Baensch, 1987) plant water in addition to a wide variety of colorful shapes are beautiful. It is also beneficial to fish by the plant photosynthesis, oxygen, water that fish take to eliminate the waste and excrete the fish by applying fertilizer to the water plant growth. In the economy. The water plant is a product of Thailand with a bright future. The current plant, water markets both domestic and abroad, there is a relatively high growth. Make a water plant exports up to 100 million per year, and is likely to grow. Water plant in the family Araceae (Family), e.g. in the genus Cryptocoryne plant where a brief call that expert Chris p (Crypts) is one of the most beautiful water plant with the highest export value. In nature, water plant genera have spread since the Indochina peninsula, India reached the country. Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Sri Lanka (science and faculty, 2540 (1997).) is there an plants Cryptocoryne monoculture is falling in the water, according to swamps. The moisture dripping with lake water canal with tuen or slowly flowing water. Look, there are underground stems are only short the flow is concentrated around the Tang from the text line the floor parallel shaft arrangement leaves a hole. Bouquet of flowers into the water over the sugar up, wrapped a tube that resembles the slate at the end of a trumpet-like mouth to spread out. With cone Pong A plant that has been the most widely popular because of its beauty. Water plant in the genus Cryptocoryne are over 60, there are certain types of growth above the water. Some of them thrive under water type. Water plant genera Cryptocoryne found in Thailand Thailand is popular with Aquarium decor brings a lot because of the beautiful exotic: Bon daeng (Cryptocoryne blasii) found southern Thailand country. The pie or WAH (Cryptocoryne ciliata) is spread through Central and southern Thailand, and the pie mountain (Cryptocoryne balansae), a plant native to Thailand's water. Found spread through Central The East and North East (the full moon day, and Kanchanaburi, 2543 (2000).)Beautiful water plant classified as aquatic critical economic at present because of the widely popular all over the world. By having taken fish or decorative gardening water plant There are currently various types of water plant. 250 type (Riehl and Baensch, 1987) plant water in addition to a variety of beautiful colors and shapes. Also be beneficial to fish by plant photosynthesis is water, oxygen, the fish so that it can be used to breathe and help get rid of the waste from the fish excrete. On the economic side. A water plant of Thai export products that have a bright future. At present, water plant markets both at home and abroad has been expanding quite high. Make water plant exports of up to 100 million per year. Water plant in the family Araceae (Family), e.g., water plant in the genus Cryptocoryne, which noted the call briefly that Christina, a water plant (Crypts) are a type of beauty with the highest export value. Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Sri Lanka (science and faculty, 2540 (1997)) is copious Cryptocoryne plants have a monoculture is a plant operation according to swamps in the rise of fresh water is dripping with humid swamp flooding or the tuen Canal with flowing water slowly as the trunk, there is only a short underground flow. Line the parallel arrangement on the stem cavity Bouquet of flowers into the water with the sugar-covered Kap decor that looks similar to a spread out at the end of the tube, mouth trumpet. With cone Pong Water plant in the genus Cryptocoryne are over 60, there are certain types of growth above the water. Some of the type they thrive under the water. Water plant genera Cryptocoryne found in Thai is popular with Aquarium decor brings a beautiful quaint because: (Cryptocoryne blasii) found southern Thai The pies or WAH (Cryptocoryne ciliata) has spread to Central and southern Thai and a canoe Khao Yai (Cryptocoryne balansae), which is the native water plant of Thai. Found to spread to the central region And Kanchanaburi, 2543 (2000))the Cryptocoryne balansae Khao Yai pie Gagnepain, 1941 as a native water plant of Thai soil in the area, like sand, mud, or sand contamination or contamination by nook rocks along streams or on the computer and Hi-cascade. (Rataj and Horeman, 1977) introduced popular decor fish because there are colorful and the shape of the beautiful. Durability can be found in fish, so as long as the water plant that the international market is very demanding and a good price (the full moon day, and Kanchanaburi, 2543 (2000)) output, however, has done little since the quotas in nature, fairly rare. Breeds with seeds and activity or flow. When to plant reproduction in vitro transformation has been growing slowly. Thus, the study of biology of the sea Khao Yai, informed sources in nature and ecology environment of the growth of the sea water properties such as Khao Yai. Properties of the soil. The environment of the source of growth. Development of farming technology to produce beautiful water plant, for example, breeds in the mamuan by means of tissue culture. And applied in farm farming plant water creating the appropriate conditions, according to the study from natural conditions. Leading up to the production method in which the production of quality according to international standards. Increase productivity and quality, sufficient demand for exports. Promote the profession of farming farmers water plant In order to utilize sustainable
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