On the day that the tradition to draw on 5 months Dr..2552 After I finished my school special with my friends, go to work, to draw out the traditions while I walk to the liquor ษฎร์พิท Medicine School and saw the ship that brings together the people who have and they have a lot of the people who come to seewhich is the place where all the ships and boats will be together, I have to take a boat to the merit, but not all of them because the boat has a lot of merit After I finished I and my friends went to see products in both of them.There are several options for a price we begin to see products from PM SUN very hot crowd, people went to buy the time until I forgot to watch it again, and then I had three late afternoon with my friends 5but it.But ... when I walked out of work more than just a friend to 2 people that are with me and the other 2 people who lost.. lost? I am with my friends, 2 of them to find a friend of the other 2 missing among many people and the sun very hot ...At last, I met my friends, we went to the street to catch the bus back home, but ตุ๊กๆ .... But ... when one of his friends took mobile phone in your pocket, that is not found phone and ... and ....There is a cloth bag with any cuts mobile phone theft and he had stolen pendant cut the phone in your pocket with the sick leave, when my friend ตุ๊กๆ car to their destination of all everyone dispersed. Home ...
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