Remember the popular industry chlorine used in water treatment. Which can then be used in the treatment of chlorine
HOCl release in which it is effective in killing bacteria than chlorine in OCl_ to 100 times more effective in killing germs, so to get high. Chlorine in the form of HOCl should be left in the water. As recommended by the World Health Organisation. For disinfection in water, bacteria and viruses. In this study, we analyzed the Total available residual chlorine, Chlorine demand of water by titration with 0.01 N Sodium thiosulphate standard solution that fills the first post Sodium Hyprochlorite volume 0 - 0.02 ml., It is not the amount of residual chlorine. When added to 0.06-0.26 ml.'ll Find that the amount of residual chlorine increased steadily. It then found that the addition of Sodium Hyprochlorite. To the volume of 0.30ml. The amount decreased to 9.50 ppm chlorine residual will be called upon to fill the Breakpoint then Sodium Hyprochlorite to continue to increase the amount of chlorine residual free chlorine residual in the water.
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