๒๔๗๖, age 21 years old to ordination ceremony as a Buddhist monk at the Temple Church property merit stand, Lampang province. The favor you state ธรรมจินดา prime. (FAI) เจ้าคณะจังหวัด Lampang (at that time), a preceptorหลวงพ่อเกษม, original name เขมโก. That Kasem ornament dawn was born on Wednesday Hotel 4 dinner brand (เหนือ) in the rat. Meet on 28 November. In good (13 55 Rs 1, 12, 7 4 incline.Ancestor of both father and mother from the at Lampang's grandson the merit วาทย์ D manIt, ruler of Lampang last
.The nineteenth 12) at the old Purple by Wang ตำบลเวียงเหนือ province is the son of people year alone, you little rat ornament the dawn. The goddess and the lotus miniscule at Lampang, and has a sister died from small
.You are the one body is white, strong, good personality, congenital and agile intelligence intelligent, gentle expression which style of compromise. Despite the naughty's normal childhood. No expression of toughness.
you Kasem at Lampang (หลวงพ่อเกษม) education Primary 5 Education common at the school suwinthawong befriend the merit's most advanced school in those days. The pyre 6 as it ages. 6 to 11 years
yearPyre 6 8 was 13 years. You place for the first time at the temple ดั๊วะ by ordination page 7 days later at the age of 15 years, ordination as a novice. At Wat boon stand, Lampang
in 2002.Good 7 5 while novices Kasem was 20 years can learn a divine being degree. A masterful in Bali much
.๒๔๗๖, age 21 years old to ordination ceremony as a Buddhist monk at the Temple Church property merit stand, Lampang province. The favor you state ธรรมจินดา prime. (FAI) เจ้าคณะจังหวัด Lampang (at that time), a preceptorThe teacher is the กรรมวาจาจารย์ Uttar Pradesh family now, and you, as you are holy preaching delivered าวนาจา germ get นามฉายา. "เขมโก" which means "The nature of the refuge."
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