Ui emailFAB job NPC is part of Carbon 14, WPS has already completed 80%, 72%, but then the Lowtemp NPC is unable to work on the part of the Fab Stainless, Duplex, 38.17 because there is no political Structure is Matteriel, and now Lower-Deck and Upper-Deck floor by Fab pictures, near completion, so ask NPC Pro rakhio apartment why happens to order Matteriel delay, thus making the work of the team to stumble is not continuous, and more importantly, there are now only 2 Deck also has a problem with the work wonrueang Matteriel NPC has set the following Project, which has at least 12 Deck and continued to cause the delay of work. Was not successful. The Contractor arising losses because they want to, which is not interested in losing Manhour produces jobs. If this is to continue, we will lose a 1/3 of the global economy.
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