The analysis of the trade.Forms of business.The form of each type of business will vary according to state investment in the establishment of business operation and economic importance. Divided as follows.1. Ford (Single Proprietorship), including the small business with one person.The owners, such as the rough trade office professionals, independent, the establishment of easy. The operation and is responsible for the debts of the store any number. Disadvantages of privately owned business is capital limited expansion difficult. The age of the parties will end as age owner or less.2. Partnership (Partnership) is a business with individuals from 2 more people share ownership by.Tooling is the total capital partners engage in hopes to profit. By such a capital rate or rate. According to the civil partnership is divided into 2 types.2.1 partnership (Ordinary Partnership) is a partnership of all such ต้องรับผิดชอบร่วมกัน in debts. Any amount. This type of partnership is registered or unregistered right.
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