This place is known as the problem of crack case of three World Science, or science at one all, Simeon tried to find out whether the summary, then the owner of this seabed properties it has the triangle power from what exactly attracts boats. The airplane or anything, but, plunging into the sea by storm. Immediately upon walking into this modern triangle area.Many people may have heard of and have seen the story terror of "Bermuda triangle," said that if anything, especially a ship or plane plowed into this area. From the belly of a clear blue sky, wireless will become that big storm before it absorbs. The cutest and crush, and then pull it down to the sea in kin rawen. like the squid the prey and then measure the wherewithal to trucker warat pulled eating completely down and salvage choep. Over a period of time through a hypothetical theory and base is set up, but it seems it hasn't been explained clearly apparent certainly wanga raman caused? = _ = (Thanks to information from wikipedia lol).
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